Propelled by the vision towards education for leadership and service, St. Theresa’s College, Quezon City adopts/espouses a dynamic slogan, STC, a LEADSTAR (Leadership, Excellence, Advocacy, Discipline/Discipleship, Simplicity/Service, Truth, Accountability and Reform). This speaks of our commitment to promote and sustain transformative leadership exercised in service, excellence in both academics and character/personality formation and advocacy through discipleship. STC, Q.C., a LEADSTAR will always be a constant reminder and guide to all members of the school community, students, personnel, parents, partner communities, and administration in the pursuit of the school’s Vision and Mission towards the Fullness of Life - GOD’s Dream for humankind. Leadership where one exercises servanthood. A leader is a servant first and foremost. Excellence a person is able to achieve her/his highest potential. It does not mean perfection because only God is perfect nor does it mean upholding competition Advocacy we commit to the promotion of the gospel values of faith, love, truth, freedom, justice and peace. These together with simplicity and service- orientedness make up our core values. Discipline /Discipleship we commit to uphold continuously discipline and discipleship because to Lead and to Follow with a purpose and meaning is to cultivate a deeper sense of inner discipline in one’s own personhood Simplicity /Service we commit to live out continuously the values of simplicity of our desires and aspirations that we are able to give genuine Service to others and promote peace. Truth It is the key to freedom because the truth will set us free. Truth allows us to perform our duties and responsibilities authentically and without pretenses Accountability a person should take responsibility for every action that he/she does. It is essential to the promotion of genuine concern for others. Reform every person is innately good and capable of changing for the better. Reformation and renewal should start in every person to affect a genuine change in the society and the world.

The STCQC High School leaders recently visited Talim Island in Rizal as part their of Leadership Development Training Program. There, they interacted and shared life stories with the women, youth and children of Barangay Janosa. This activity was in partnership with the Asian Social Institute, Social Development Department. (SY 2018 - 2019)

LEAD Enhancement Activity - TALIM Island Community Interaction

Happy Monday, Theresians!
Let our LEADSTAR guide you this week, so that you can spread love and positivity to everyone!
Remember to shine and be a blessing to others!

STCQC Roadmap